who I am


Birth is a magical and sacred initiation, a connection to our foremothers and the ancient wisdom of the divine feminine.

Experiencing the miracle of birth awoke in me a devotion for women and a deep need to honor the feminine. 

When I am given the opportunity to nurture and support pregnant women during the intimacy of their birth process, time stands still. I tap into a deeper intuitive place and become both involved and enthralled to witness that beautiful moment when new life emerges. 

My name is Maria, and I’m a Student Midwife, Birth Doula, and Placenta Encapsulator. I have been trained in many modalities that I love bringing in during our work together while we prepare you to give birth. These include childbirth education classes, prenatal yoga exercises, reiki energy work, and therapeutical massage. After the birth of your baby, I can prepare your placenta if that's something you wish. We can also do a closing healing ceremony. This ritual can be performed anytime after 40 days postpartum. It can help you to let go of what you no longer need, call back in your spirit, recenter, and close your wide-open energetic channels to help you reintegrate into motherhood.

Maria Herreros


I was born in Panama, raised in Chile, and have called San Francisco, CA, my home for a decade. While living in Chile, I went to Veterinary Medicine School, where I graduated as a veterinarian doctor specializing in reproduction for Large Animals and Wildlife medicine. However, upon moving to the US as an immigrant and discovering my overseas credits did not transfer due to the laborious bureaucracy and finding myself disappointed over the “business” of veterinary medicine, I had to find another true calling. 
In 2017 life offered me a new path without the clashing of an identity change (in the end, it has always been about birth and life), when a new friend asked me to hold space for her during the birth of her firstborn child. 
After that moment of experiencing the miracle of life, my new purpose became apparent, and I began training in a myriad of modalities, all geared towards helping as many women navigate pregnancy, birth, and postpartum process as possible. 
During my journey to become a midwife, my world was not only flipped upside down in wonder, but it became an essential part of my own healing, as I lost my mother at the young age of seven. Midwifery art has brought my life meaning, a new understanding, and a deeper connection to my womb and lineage.


  • Birth and Postpartum Doula at Natural Resources
  • Childbirth Educator at The Cornerstone
  • Placenta Medicine Specialist (Encapsulation & Tinctures)
  • Osha Blood Borne Pathogens Prevention training certification as well as Safe Food Handling course, explicitly designed for placenta specialists and doulas.
  • Certified Massage Therapist with the main focus on Women’s Health at the San Francisco School of Massage and Bodywork
  • Registered Yoga Instructor RYT200hrs at Yoga Tree with a primary focus in pregnancy and postpartum RYT50hrs at Mama Tree with Jane Austin as my teacher
  • Midwife Assistant at "The Farm Midwives" in Tennessee
  • Reiki I, II & III Usui lineage